3d areola tattoo

Because areolas play an important role in the appearance of the breasts, a missing areola after mastectomy or breast reconstruction surgery can be psychologically devastating. I help women and men regain the confidence they had prior to surgery through the healing art of 3D areola tattooing. 

3D areola tattoos achieve a hyper-realistic, three-dimensional appearance of the nipple and areola. The tattoos shift the focus away from scars and restore the areolas to a more natural appearance after breast reconstruction surgery.

My deepest desire for you is that every time you look in the mirror, you feel strong, courageous, confident, and empowered — that you feel whole again.


Areolas aren’t one size fits all!

Abbey takes an incredibly personalized approach to areola tattooing so you know exactly what to expect. After your consultation, she creates a digital likeness of your new areola, based on photographs you provide.

Then, you’ll have the opportunity to collaborate and provide feedback, so you’re perfectly happy with the color, size, shape and other factors of your new areolas prior to the day of your treatment.

trained BY THE BEST

Abbey completed advanced training with expert 3D areola tattoo artists, providing her with unparalleled education, training and experience.


Anna Burns Advanced Areola Tattoo Training

Completed August 2023

Abbey learned Anna Burns’ advanced paramedical tattoo procedure to restore color and nipple to the breast, resulting in a hyper-realistic areola and nipple. Training included comprehensive theory and hands-on practical training with over-the-shoulder guidance.

vicki martin

Vicki Martin Method 3D Areola Tattoo Training

Completed March 2024

Training with Vicki equipped Abbey with the skills to create the most amazing-looking, realistic nipple-areolas with maximum retention and minimum trauma, with a focus on color theory and pigmentation, design, placement, and practice.


  • Individuals who have had mastectomy and/or breast reconstruction surgery choose 3D areola tattooing to restore the appearance of the nipple and areola, on one side or both. The hyper-realistic looking areola tattoos shift the focus away from surgery scars and provide a sense of normalcy, and a more natural-looking breast. Many clients find that they feel more comfortable and confident after the procedure.

    If you’re not sure if you’re a candidate for the procedure and you want to learn more, you can book a free consultation with Abbey to learn more. There’s no obligation to book a session after your consultation.

  • We’ll begin with a complementary phone or Zoom consultation, where we’ll confirm that you’re a candidate for the procedure, and answer any questions you have. (There is no obligation to book after the consultation.)

    When you’ve decided to move forward, you’ll take a photo of yourself, facing a natural light source straight on, and send it to me. I’ll create a detailed digital likeness of your new areola(s) based on the photo you send. Then, you’ll have the opportunity to review and give approval on the size, placement, and color palette, so you know precisely how your areolas will look before the procedure.

    The procedure itself is a two-part process. For bilateral tattooing (both sides), the initial session takes three hours. The healing time is 14 days, with a waterproof sealed cover called Tegaderm. This cover prevents scabbing.

    The second session is six weeks later, when we do a second application. Skin with scar tissue doesn’t take up the ink as easily, so the second session gives us the opportunity to enhance by adding more color and detail if necessary and if you desire. It also ensures that the color stays in longer.

    Because the nerves in the area are typically damaged by mastectomy, most people don’t feel any pain; however, we can use a topical analgesic if you do. In rare cases, nerves may misfire and create the sensation of pain.

  • Bilateral 3D areola tattoo (both sides) is $700, unilateral (single side) is $400. We accept cash and credit card at the time of service.

  • Restore by Abbey does not currently bill insurance. We accept cash and credit card at the time of service.

    Generally, you can use an HSA (health savings account) for areola tattoo after a mastectomy because it is considered a medically necessary procedure for breast reconstruction, not a cosmetic treatment; however, it's crucial to check with your health plan administrator to confirm coverage as policies may vary.

    You can also submit the charges directly to your insurance provider to determine if they will be covered.